Today was a very sad and difficult day as we learned of the passing of our friend and colleague Joe Sartori following a very sudden and unexpected illness. Joe was the guy that would give you the shirt off his back. He was the guy that everyone liked and respected. Joe has been on the Poker Night in America team since near the beginning and was willing to do whatever it took to help out. Last year at this time I remember him volunteering to help drive our truck from Reno to Pittsburgh when we only had two days to get the equipment there. So Joe and Dave shared the driving and drove non-stop to get there in time.
If you watched the show you’ll catch glimpses of Joe as he called the action live at the TV table. His job was to relay the betting action to the note takers in back of the house. It’s a brutal job where you’re basically on your feet for twelve straight hours but he never complained. Originally from Minnesota Joe had that Midwestern work ethic and easy going nature we all liked.
I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with Joe over the last few years. It’s very sad to think that he won’t be waiting at the airport in Las Vegas for me next time.